07 May 2007

music to my bones?

While I was swimming on Saturday I noticed a man slicing through the water with a weird contraption on his head. I heard a slight rhymic vibration in the air and realized he had a mp3 player on!!! Fascinated by this, I took my time getting situated to start swimming and waiting for him to be done so I can bother him with a million and a half questions.

The new SwiMP3 v.2 underwater MP3 player is an incredible audio experience. Imagine listening to hours of your own music during your swim workout. The SwiMP3’s innovative sound transfer technology offers exception underwater sound quality. Standard players rely on the transmission of sound through air or water causing the swimmer to perceive only muffled noise. The SwiMP3 uses bone conduction – the direct transfer of sound vibrations from the cheek bone to the inner ear – to provide the swimmer with exceptional sound clarity. The SwiMP3 is fully waterproof and can be used with all the competitive swim strokes.

Weighs only 2 ounces. We have removed the back control console. Easily Clips onto any goggles, without taking your goggles apart. Now has 256 MB capacity for 4 hours of original music.

now, I want one!!!

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