25 June 2007


Stingray -> Foot -> Pain -> Hit Tendon -> Out one month of training -> No Vineman this year -> :(

you follow that? okay... so, no Vineman this year for me. But because I'm out for a month of hard training doesn't mean my life will end. I've decided I'll do Nautica instead.

Nora, any news from the doc about your shoulder?

UPDATE: Nevermind, Nautica is sold out...

24 June 2007

Marc IS going to Kona!


congrats buddy!!

Looks like Marc is making his way to kona...


found a photo of IMtexas of marc...

i'll post more if i find them... now, it's all about embarrassing him! :)

19 June 2007

my foot...

swelling has not gone down... :( damn stingray!!!

14 June 2007

Vineman Support

Hi All,
I am going to try to make it up there to cheer you all on during the race. I will find out in three weeks whether or not I need surgery and if I don't need surgery, I'll be there!!!

Maybe I should wear a Wanna be Vineman Support shirt =).

Have Fun!

Swimming Podcast

I was wondering around Triathletemag.com and found this great podcast about swimming.


38 days to go... HOLY HELL, where did this year go?
Link to the Girls' shirts: HERE.

Link to the Boys' shirts: HERE.

Please let me know what size you want in the comments. Once I get your info I'll order them and get the design all done as well. We're looking at 27$ a shirt.

13 June 2007


Okay... 39 days to go and now it's time to think about what we're wearing for the race...

Marc and I talked and thought about doing tshirt/tank.

Here are your options:

For Girls:

  1. This
  2. Another option

On the shirt, it will say: "Wannabe's..."

We'll get all the same color...

Leave a comment on which one you like the best... and what color you you prefer. (It doesn't have to be any of the colors shown above).

You have till june 15 to decide.

ALSO, if you have anyone who is going to watch and wants a "Wannabe Crew" shirt... we'll be ordering Black shirts for them too... they have till June 30 to let us know what size they want. (shirts for them will be 10$ a piece)

12 June 2007

Last Competition for the home stretch!

Last competition, how many days you train!!!!

If you work out at least 15 minutes in one day, you mark it as one day trained!!!




Swim Clinics

Last weekend Kimmy and I did the Pacific Coast Tri Swim Clinic at Newport Beach. At first I thought we were crazy for attempting something like this but at the end I am really glad we did.

We learned a lot of valuable information such as how to breath, how to get in, out of the ocean water, and how to just swim in that type of conditions. They also did a timed swim for everyone and showed alot of info on transitions techniques. (I missed out on that stuff cause I was hunted down by a 10foot long sting ray who nearly killed me. Okay, not really but I did get stung and it did hurt like hell.)

Would I recommend this swim clinic to others? HELL YES! I am going back in mid July to finish up the clinic and also will be checking out the clinic before Triforlife.